
Socket Deer

I saw these in the Modern in Denver magazine the other day and had to blog about them, they are for storing your cell phone/gadget while charging…super cute idea.  I’ve been reading mixed reviews that people would run into them and that they need LED’s for night.  But, you wouldn’t put these in a main corridor of your house so they would be exposed, I would think, and having an LED is one less plug you get to use.  This would be very ideal for guest bedrooms to avoid having them plug into the hard-to-get-to socket behind the nightstand just to set their gadget on a table.  They are by Nendo, but I haven’t seen them sold in the U.S. or with a grounded socket…yet.

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2 More to Go!

Ami Totes2

I have finished 4 totes for the bridal party and I have 2 more to go in this size. I hope each fabric style finds the equivalent personality!

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 2 thimbles up from KitchStitch


I am by no means a Harry Potter expert (or "prefect") but if you want to cool off from the heat, this 6th movie of the series is definitely a source of entertainment for all ages. This movie seemed to carry the darkness, romance and comical aspects of the ‘Half Blood Prince’, all in a lighthearted manner. Please beware that there are mild spoilers ahead in this review....

harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince-11 There are a few new characters (Prof. Slughorn and Lavender), and a few that are missed, but the 3 main heroes and heroine continue to refine their characters and are enjoyable to watch. The set design, cinematography, special effects and music are intertwined beautifully and never seize to amaze me. For the critics out there,the few discrepancies from the book, i.e. Luna finding Harry on the train in lieu of Tonks, the lack of a fight scene from the Death Eaters, and a glazed over funeral at the end, would not go missed if you didn’t read the book, but the fans may desire more.

However, I do feel like there were some key memories of TPHOTOGRAPHS TO BE USED SOLELY FOR ADVERTISING, PROMOTION, PUBLICITY OR REVIEWS OF THIS SPECIFIC MOTION PICTURE AND TO REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE STUDIO. NOT FOR SALE OR REDISTRIBUTIONom Riddle that will be missed to transition into the next two Hallows movies. Maybe these will be covered in flash-backs? Nonetheless, it was great to see the characters growing up, in their love quarrels, and fighting the evil doers with their refined wizardry. Two thumbs up……and I must say my favorite character: Alan Rickman ‘Prof. Snape’, he is fantastic (as always).

As an aside, I think the creators of the movie series are still aiming at adolescents, while the books reach a broader spectrum with the layers of emotions from J.K. Rowling. I will be interested to see how they translate the Deathly Hallows onto the screen. There are alot of loved characters that are taken away, death & destruction of the wizarding world, and Harry fights for his life. Will it still be PG? We shall see!!


First Tomatoes of the Season

While perusing the garden and sipping my coffee this morning I noticed we have our first tomatoes of the season. The big beef, early girl & lemon boy did so well (almost too well) last year, I narrowed down our species to yellow & red cherries and I have an early girl in our side yard. They ALL have green tomatoes, so I’m looking forward to this week’s harvest. Our basil and been doing great as well, so I’ve been scouring good pesto recipes to thin down our plants a bit.


Our dwarf cherry tree (Little Cherry Seinfeld) has a few more cherries, but I think it really won’t produce until next year.

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Summertime in the Studio

I am in the midst of an uninterrupted weekend, so there is no excuse…..time to start on my friend’s order of totes.  I have 6 different color combinations and to my surprise it’s quite challenging….a lot of mix matching in different lights while squinting, head turning, getting the husband’s opinion, then sometimes changing fabric after cutting.  BUT I think I have at least 5 of them set, the 6th color combo may be too contemporary….so I think that one will need to go back to the shop.

Ami Totes-1